You have 2h2sAhKs
Plyr #2 Jc10c7h8h
Plyr #3 AsJs5h3h
Plyr #4 Qd9h7d4h
Board is Qc9c2s4h
Somehow you have seen all the other players hands. At this point you have the best hand with a set of 2's on the button.
You all have the same amount in front of you and presently the pot is $100. Plyr 2 leads out for $50 and the other 2 call. What do you do?
Plyr #2 Jc10c7h8h
Plyr #3 AsJs5h3h
Plyr #4 Qd9h7d4h
Board is Qc9c2s4h
Somehow you have seen all the other players hands. At this point you have the best hand with a set of 2's on the button.
You all have the same amount in front of you and presently the pot is $100. Plyr 2 leads out for $50 and the other 2 call. What do you do?